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Our Services

We Offer a Range of Courses to Meet Your Needs

Providing NFPA and OSHA-compliant training programs customized to your department's objectives at your location.

Full Courses

Fire training

NFPA 1041 / Fire Instructor

1 & 2

Describe one of your services

Mobile Props Available:


11 Core Elements

MN Board of Firefighter Training and Education's 11 Core Elements: These recommendations come from MN OSHA Standards. You have multiple options to design your annual training program to fit your needs and requirements. Twenty-four hours of continuing annual training is recommended in any combination of the objectives. These subjects may be found in multiple elements. 


Please Note: This is not an "all-comprehensive" list of offerings. If you do not see the course or class you are looking for, or if you are looking for a version of a class/course designed to achieve your objectives - let us know and we can CUSTOMIZE it for you!

Fire Helmet

Safety and Protective Equipment

NFPA 1500 - Accountability Systems

NFPA 1072 - Air Monitoring

NFPA 1001 - Forcible Entry Prop

NFPA 1001 - Forcible Entry Tools & Techniques

NFPA 1001 - Personal Protective Equipment

NFPA 1500 - Roadway Incident Safety Operations

NFPA 1001 - Portable Fire Extinguishers

NFPA 1801 - Thermal Imagery for the Fire Service

NFPA 1500 - Cumulative Stress for Public Safety

NFPA 1500 - PTSD, Firefighter Suicide Prevention / Awareness

NFPA 1500 - FF LODD and Close Call Review Class

NFPA 1500 - Cancer Awareness and Prevention for the Fire Service

NFPA 1521 - Fire Safety Officer 

NFPA 1521 - Firefighter Survival



Fire Flame

Chemistry of Fire and Fire Behavior

NFPA 1001/1021 - Smoke Reading 101

NFPA 1001/1021 - Smoke Reading 102

NFPA 1001/1021 - Smoke Reading 103

NFPA 1001 - Fire Behavior

NFPA 1001 - Modern Fire Tactics, Ventilation, Flow Paths




Fire Mask Graphic

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

NFPA 1001/1407 - Calling the Mayday

NFPA 1001 - Rule of Air Management

NFPA 1001 - SCBA and Electronics

NFPA 1001 - SCBA Drill - Pittsburg Drill

NFPA 1001 - SCBA Basics and Electronics

NFPA 1001 - Search and Rescue

NFPA 1001 - Large Area Search and Rescue

NFPA 1407 - Rule of Air Management 




SCBA confidence trailer
Fire Hydrant

Fire Streams

NFPA 1001 - Basic Fire Streams

NFPA 1001- Standpipe Operations (with Prop)

NFPA 1001 - Quick Attack, Horizontal Standpipes, Blitz

NFPA 1001 - Nozzles 101

NFPA 1001 - Solid Bore vs. Fog - The Debate!

NFPA 1002 - How Much Water? Flowmeters!

NFPA 1001 - Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems

NFPA 1001 - Quick Water on the Fire!

NFPA 1001 - Water Before Rescue




Fire Hose


NFPA 1001 - Water Supply Systems

NFPA 1001 - Water Supply and Tender Operations





Firefighters working
Fire Truck

Pumping Fire Apparatus

NFPA 1002 - Pump Makeup

NFPA 1002 - Basic Fire Ground Hydraulics

NFPA 1002 - Basic Fire Pumps (Drafting and Pressurized Source) (10 Hr)

NFPA 1002 - Advanced Fire Pumps (Relay, Master Stream, Large Flows) (10Hr)

NFPA 1002 - Fire Pump Makeup

NFPA 1002 - Pump Troubleshooting

NFPA 1002 - Aerial Apparatus Fire Operations

NFPA 1002 - Customized Hydraulic Calculations for your FD

NFPA 1002 - Pumping Foam Systems A & B & CAFS

NFPA 1002 - High Water Flow Drill

NFPA 1002 - Water Jetting, Dual Pumping, Tandem Pumping

NFPA 1002 - Pumping to the FDC

NFPA 1002 - Coaching Emergency Vehicle Operations Course

NFPA 1002 - Hands ON Driving Course - Skills

NFPA 1002 - Hands ON Driving Course - Roadway



NFPA 1001 - Ground Ladders

NFPA 1002 - Aerial Apparatus and Operations




Aerial operations training
Ice Rescue training
Rescue Siren


NFPA 3000 - Active Shooter, Hostile Event Response (ASHER) 3, 5, 6 Hours

NFPA 1670 - Agricultural Extrication Emergencies

NFPA 1670 - Agricultural Safety and Awareness

NFPA 1670 - EV Alternative Fuel Vehicle Emergencies (Electric / Hybrid Vehicle Emergencies) 

NFPA 1670 - Auto Extrication - Basic

NFPA 1670 - Auto Extrication - Advanced

NFPA 1670 - Auto Extrication - Scenario Based

NFPA 1670 - Bus Extrication

NFPA 1670 - Ice Rescue Operations

NFPA 1670 - Water Rescue Operations

NFPA 1670 - Boat Based Water Rescue Operations

NFPA 1670 - Grain Bin Rescue (Classroom & Hands On)

NFPA 1670 - Silo Emergencies

NFPA 1407 - Rapid Intervention Teams (Self Rescue, Basics of RIT, Advanced RIP Operations)

NFPA 1001 - Ropes and Knots

NFPA 1670 - Vehicle Stabilization

NFPA 1670 - Confined Space Awareness

NFPA 1670 - Confined Space Operations

NFPA 1670 - Elevator Rescue

NFPA 1670 - Roadway Incident Operations (Safety)

NFPA 1001 Thermal Imagery



Forcible Entry

NFPA 1001 - Forcible Entry Prop

NFPA 1001 - Roof Ventilation Prop




Forcible entry training


NFPA 1001 - Ventilation 101

NFPA 1001 - Modern Fire Tactics and Ventilation - Flow Paths

NFPA 1403 - Dollhouse Burn Prop - Ventilation - Flow Paths

NFPA 1001 - Positive Pressure Fire Attack



Administrative / Command

NFPA 1001/1500 - Accountability Systems

NFPA 1500 - Employee Right to Know / Hearing Protection, Heat / Cold, Lockout / Tagout

NFPA 1001/1021 - Smoke Reading 101

NFPA 1001/1021 - Smoke Reading 102

NFPA 1001/1021 - Smoke Reading 103

NFPA 1001 - Building Construction for the Fire Service

NFPA 1021 - Incident Command Simulations

NFPA 1021 - Incident Size Ups and Radio Reports

NFPA 1021 - NIMS Classes: IS700, IS100, IS200, IS300, IS400

NFPA 1521 - Incident Safety Officer

NFPA 1001 - Pre-Incident Planning

NFPA 1021 - Strategies and Command of Initial Company Operations (First 5 Minutes)

NFPA 1021 - Thermal Imaging and Size Up

NFPA 1033 - Basic Fire Scene Preservation, Burn Patterns and Investigation

NFPA 1033 - Advance Fire Cause Determination

NFPA 1021 - Seat Assignments for your Company

NFPA 1001 - Communications

NFPA 1001 - Fire Alarm and Detection Systems

NFPA 1001 - Pre-Incident Planning

NFPA 1001 - Strategies and Tactics

NFPA 1001 - Public Information Officer

St Cloud fire department
Hazmat training

Hazardous Materials

NFPA 1072 - Air Monitoring

NFPA 1072 - Anhydrous Ammonia Emergencies

NFPA 1072 - Clandestine Drug Lab Awareness

NFPA 1072 - Silo Gas Emergency

NFPA 1072 - Hazardous Material Operations Tank Prop

NFPA 1072 - Hazardous Material Operations Barrel / Totes Prop

NFPA 1072 - Railway and Pipeline Emergency Operations Course

NFPA 1072 - Terrorism Awareness

NFPA 1072 - Drug Lab Awareness

NFPA 1072 - Things that go BOOM!


Pride and Ownership

Firefighter teamwork
Firefighter command

Company Operations

NFPA 1001 - Initial Company Operations

NFPA 1001 - Seat Assignments and Company Operations

NFPA 1001 - Search and Rescue Operations

NFPA 1001 - Positive Pressure Fire Attack

NFPA 1001 - Transitional Attack (Quick Hit)



Outside fire response

Hazardous Materials Subjects

NFPA 1072 - Hazardous Material Operations

NFPA 472  - Hazardous Material Technician Course

Railway and Pipeline Emergencies

Regulations, Standards, and Laws

Recognizing and Identifying the Hazards

Properties and Effects

Understanding the Hazards

Estimating Potential Harm and Planning a Response

Implementing a Response

Responder Health and Safety

Personal Protective Equipment

Technical Decontamination

Mass and Gross Decontamination

Evidence Preservation and Sampling

Product Control

Victim Rescue and Recover

Response to Illicit Laboratories 

Operating Detection, Monitoring and Sampling Equipment


Hazardous Material Technician Level

NFPA 472 - Hazardous Material Technician Course

Hazardous Materials Management Systems

Health and Safety

Managing the Incident: Problems, Pitfalls, and Solutions

The Eight Step Process: An Overview

Site Management

Identifying the Problem

Hazard Assessment and Risk Evaluation

Selecting Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment

Information Management and Resource Coordination

Implementing Response Objectives


Terminating the Incident







Hose training
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